About Oshxona.com

OshXona.Com is the web site about the great and unique cuisine of Uzbekistan. The site, Oshxona.com, is named after the unique category of Uzbek public catering institutions called OshXona.

Why Oshxona

Why have we chosen the OshXona name, not an Uzbek Restaurant or a ChaiXona (Tearoom)?

A restaurant, even a national cuisine restaurant, usually is something pompous and expensive. Moreover, often there are not quite truly genuine national dishes on the restaurant menu. Many of these restaurant dishes are cooked to please much more pretentious nonsense than the real national traditions. 

A real traditional ChaiXona is rather a "private club", the cultural and social center of a Mahallya where the local community gathers more for communicating, discussing news and solving some local issues, than a just place to eat and drink tea. No of course a "stranger" won’t be chucked out of the ChaiXona — a guest is the God’s gift to Asian people and therefore treated well — but the real ChaiXona is still a club.

An OshXona is indeed a golden mean which is affordable to a poor student and not unacceptable to a businessperson where people may taste a variety of the Uzbek cuisine’s dishes.

More precisely we have to say the cuisine of Uzbekistan rather than the Uzbek cuisine because due to a number of historical circumstances, its geographical location and the hospitality and kindness of its people the fertile land of the Uzbekistan country has become home to many people of different nationalities. 

Thus the cuisine of Uzbekistan cannot have been uninfluenced by this multinational populace. Visiting an OshXona, we can easily get Russian Borscht as the first course and Uzbek Pilaff as the second course, or Uygur Lagman and dumplings respectively. Do not believe me? Check it out! The OshXona menu is the reflection of the soul of the multinational people inhabiting this fertile, hospitable land!

In every corner of Uzbekistan, visiting these deliciously fragrant "oases", you are sure to hear: "Hello, My Dear Friend! Come in! What would you like to eat?" And I bet you will not regret visiting OshXona!


Welcome to our OshXona, Dear Friend!